28. July 2007

This penguin looks familiar…

I was in my local newsagent today buying a bus ticket when I spied this little fellow peering out at me from behind the counter. Cover of a cookbook with Tux the penguin. Tux has been popping up in an awful lot of places that are completely unrelated to Linux lately. I wonder if there's an undercover geek hidden away at Woman's Day somewhere?

17. July 2007

I am totally awesome.

Clare and I played golf yesterday, which was fancy, but is not the point of this story. The point of the story is that I hit a 200m drive. (There was a bit of an elevation advantage, but it wasn't massive). It went fairly straight, sliced to the right a bit as my shots are wont to do and ended up on the fringe of the fairway about 50 metres from the hole. The fact that I then completely muffshanked my chip and all subsequent shots is also not the point of the story.

Later in the game, on the 9th and last hole I hit a 5 wood 150m uphill onto the freaking green.

Bear in mind when reading this that I am a truly rubbish golfer, and am bloody proud of those two shots. We were playing at the local course down at Castle Cove.

01. June 2007

I am the smartest man alive!

I just got Ubuntu installed on Clare's laptop. It only has 256meg RAM that's shared with the video card so it was running like a pig even with XP. Honestly, who manufactures a system with only 256meg of RAM? It was a battle because the Ubuntu and Kubuntu livecds require at least 256 to run, and they were both failing. Xubuntu started up, but ran like a dog.

Any of the three versions will run on systems as low as 128mb, you just need to use the standard installer rather than the livecd. Only trouble is, because I'm stupid, it took me a while to figure that out. Anyway, I downloaded the alternate installation cd and eventually got it happening, and now I am the smartest man alive.

Also, the kde desktop looks pretty cool except for the fact it uses Konquerer. If there was a version of kde that used Nautilus and Firefox I'd be sold. Nevertheless, I might check it out in the near future, since it looks cool.